Monday, June 25, 2012

Colt Pays us a Visit

Tyler's brother Colt came up from Auburn University this weekend. We had a good time. We mostly ate out the whole weekend and laid around Tybee Island on Saturday. It was a short visit, but we will take it. It's not very often we get visitors here in Savannah and we enjoy the company.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Cat Door Install

Tyler had a great idea a week back. She suggested that we install a pet door going into the garage. The cats love being in the garage for some weird reason. Monkey cries at the door in the hallway until you let him in. We also figure we can move their litter box, food and water out there. Hopefully this will decrease the presence of cats in the house. Nobody has ever complained of smells or cat hair, but they are probably just being polite. I installed the door today since I was off work. I taped up the flap for now, but they still don't know what to think of it.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Welcome! Meet the Family!

Monkey and Turtle doing what they do best.
Star Wars Weekends 2012 Disney's Hollywood Studios
Welcome to our new blog and our very first post! We hope to use this medium as a way to keep our family and friends up to date with what is going on in the Thompson household. We think it will serve as a virtual scrapbook that we can refer to when we feel reminiscent of days gone by. Thanks for stopping by!